PAINT BANK: Visit of the Deputy Minister of Health, Mina Gaga, at Vitex S.A. for the donation of more than 7,000 Liters of Vitex with VAIRO paint to Public Hospitals
The 1st project of the PAINT BANK initiative was successfully completed with the donation of more than 7,000 liters of Vitex with VAIRO to the Deputy Minister of Health Mina Gaga.

With a great donation to the Greek public hospitals, the “PAINT BANK” initiative by Vitex is launched, which aims to provide products to upgrade spaces used or lived by our fellow human beings, who need support.
As part of the Vitex SA “PAINT BANK” initiative, 361 Paint Shops from all over Greece participated in the 1st Project in order to upgrade the facilities of Public Hospitals.
Upon completion of the Project, more than 7,000 liters of the antiviral paint Vitex with VAIRO were collected (National Organization for Medicines License No: 90167 / 04-10-2021) for the protection of surfaces from viruses, including coronavirus SARS-CoV2, as well as from bacteria that are responsible for hospital infections.
The amount of paint that was collected, will be delivered in consultation with the Greek Ministry of Health, based on the needs of public health structures. It is estimated that with this amount of paint, 60,000m2 of interior walls can be upgraded.
Upon delivery of the donation – at the premises of Vitex S.A. in Aspropyrgos – the Deputy Minister of Health, Mina Gaga, thanked both Vitex SA and the Paint Shops for their offer and stated: “The government and the Ministry of Health have as a priority the upgrading of the hospital infrastructures, so that both patients and hospital employees can be protected. For this purpose, we utilize resources of our regular budget, the recovery fund and the NSRF and, of course, private donations, as the one of the PAINT BANK initiative, which we welcome. Public and private initiatives can be combined for the best possible result within the NSS”.
Armodios Yannidis, the Chief Executive Officer of Vitex S.A, stated: “Through this action, our company highlights the innovation and the collectivity of our ecosystem. Considering as a starting point the development of a technology that for the first time makes the painted surfaces “self-disinfecting”, we focused on a rare action of the group social responsibility of an entire sector. It is our honor that we led an action that united our partners from all over the country to support public hospitals throughout Greece”.
Watch here the video from the visit of the Deputy Minister Mrs. Gaga