“Vitex with Vairo, sponsored by the Greek paint industry VITEX SA, will allow us to upgrade and at the same time effectively protect the premises of Agios Savvas Hospital.”
Balaura Olga
BoD Chairman of the “Agios Savvas” Hospital
BoD Chairman of the “Agios Savvas” Hospital

Vitex SA offers free paint for the renovation of more than 3,500m2 of the hospital’s interior spaces.
Vitex SA, faithful and consistent with its commitment to public benefit and great awareness in the Health sector, employs scientific innovation for the protection and coloring of surfaces of the General Cancer-Oncology Hospital of Athens “Agios Savvas”. The main goal of this Project is to create friendlier spaces that will improve the daily lives of patients, of the scientific/administrative staff and the visitors, which will also constitute a “wall of protection” for the prevention and limitation of COVID-19 and hospital infections through the painted surfaces.
Vitex with Vairo plastic paint (NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MEDICINES LICENSE NO: 90167/04-10-2021) offers antiviral and antibacterial properties on the painted interior walls, according to three renowned European laboratories*. It is a Greek innovation and has received marketing authorizations in many countries from the respective National Organizations for Medicines. By applying Vitex with Vairo, the possibility of transmission through the painted surfaces of a multitude of viruses – including SARS–CoV2 – is almost eliminated, while it is equally effective in the neutralization of many bacteria, such as E. coli, St. Aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcushirae, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, which are also blamed for hospital infections.
* The tests and bioassays were performed based on the ISO 21702:2019, ISO 22196:2011 standards and the proposed practices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to assess the effectiveness of items treated with antimicrobial additives (ENV/JM MONO (2018) 20:2019).
About Vitex SA
Vitex S.A. holds a leading position in Greece in the building materials industry since 1932. Headquartered in Aspropyrgos – Attica and with two subsidiaries in Southeast Europe (Serbia & Bulgaria), Vitex offers integrated solutions for architectural paints (Vitex), bituminous waterproofing materials (Hermes) and External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (Vitextherm). Two of our strengths are the one of the most modern and sustainable paint production plants in South-East Europe and our network of partners in Greece and 20 countries worldwide. The values of sustainability empower our operating model. Our plant operates under almost zero waste conditions, zero accidents policy and net zero energy with an installed 1MW Photovoltaic rooftop. Vitex was listed as one of the top 10 Best Workplaces in Greece for 2021 and was awarded with the Growth Award 2021 in the ESG category of Development and Competitiveness Awards. For more information, visit vitex.gr